(Updated: September 30, 2023)

Academic job/postdoc sites

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (Denmark)
AIAS-COFUND II (Marie Curie) Fellowships (Junior and Senior): AIAS-COFUND fellowships are available for the most talented researchers from around the world and within all research disciplines and topics. The scheme is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (grant agreement no 754513) and Aarhus University Research Foundation.

Albright Funded Fellowships - Seymour Gitin Distinguished Professorship
$20,000 award for 4 months (two awards available). Room and half-board at the Institute [W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) in Jerusalem] is $1,200 per month and the remainder is stipend. Open to internationally recognized senior scholars of all nationalities who have made significant contributions to their field of study.

Albright Funded Fellowships - George A. Barton Fellowship
$3,000 award for 1 month. Room and half-board at the Institute [W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) in Jerusalem] is $1,200 per month and the remainder is stipend. Open to all doctoral students and recent Ph.D. (degree granted within last 5 years) recipients of all nationalities.

Albright Funded Fellowships - Carol and Eric Meyers Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
$3,000 award for 1 month. Room and half-board at the Institute [W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) in Jerusalem] is $1,200 per month and the remainder is stipend. Students of all nationalities at the doctoral level are eligible. While all topics will be considered, those involving the study of archaeology and society at the household level are encouraged. This Fellowship is for a residential period between 1 September 2020 and 31 May 2021.

Albright Funded Fellowships - Marcia and Oded Borowski Research Fellowship
$3,000 award for 1 month. Room and half-board at the Institute [W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) in Jerusalem] is $1,200 per month and the remainder is stipend. Open to all doctoral students and recent Ph.D. (degree granted within last 5 years) recipients of all nationalities. This Fellowship is for a residential period between 1 September 2019 and 31 May 2020.

Albright Funded Fellowships - Lydie T. Shufro Summer Research Fellowship
$3,000 award for 1 month. Room and half-board at the Institute [W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR) in Jerusalem] is $1,200 per month and the remainder is stipend. Open to doctoral, post-doctoral, and senior scholars of all nationalities. This Fellowship is for a residential period between 1 June 2020 and 31 August 2021.

Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Research Fellowship To recruit or retain early career researchers who demonstrate outstanding track records relative to opportunity. To support talented early career researchers whose areas of research interest directly align with research priorities at Deakin University. To further innovative research in areas of strategic importance.

American Center of Oriental Research (ACOR) - Named Fellowships
  • Bert and Sally de Vries Fellowship: One award of US$1,500 to support a student for participation on an archaeological project or research in Jordan. Open to enrolled undergraduate or graduate students of any nationality except Jordanian citizens. The fellowship must be used during the period between May 1 of the award year and April 30 of the following year. The fellowship is to assist in partial payment of essential expenses. Students whose expenses are being borne largely by the project are ineligible. Applicants must be enrolled students at the time of application. This fellowship may be combined with other ACOR fellowships.
  • Harrell Family Fellowship: The Harrell Family Fellowship provides support in the amount of $2,000 to a graduate student of any nationality except Jordanian citizens for participation on an archaeological project or research in Jordan. The fellowship must be used during the period between May 1 of the award year and April 30 of the following year. The fellowship is to assist in partial payment of essential expenses for graduate students. Students whose expenses are being borne largely or entirely by the project are ineligible. This award may be combined with an ACOR research fellowship that provides for residence at the ACOR center in Amman or an ACOR travel fellowship if this grant is used for research. Applicants must be enrolled graduate students at the time of application.
  • James A. Sauer Fellowship: One award of US$1,250 to support a graduate student participating on an archaeological project or pursuing independent research in Jordan. For the 2020–2021 cycle, the Sauer fellowship is only open to enrolled graduate students of non-Jordanian nationality.
  • Pierre & Patricia Bikai Fellowship: The Pierre & Patricia Bikai Fellowship will be awarded to assist one graduate student for two months or two students for one month in conducting archaeological research in Jordan. The fellowship will provide room and board at ACOR and a stipend of US$600 per month. The fellowship must be used during the period between May 1 of the award year and April 30 of the following year. It may be combined with another ACOR fellowship that will assist with travel, or the applicant may find travel funds from other sources. This fellowship is not for field work support, but to allow the awardee to continue study or research at ACOR after the field project has concluded and residency at the ACOR center is required. Open to enrolled graduate students of any nationality except Jordanian citizens.

American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) - Cotsen Traveling Fellowship
Purpose: The Gennadius Library offers the Cotsen Traveling Fellowship, a short-term grant awarded each year to scholars and graduate students pursuing research topics that require the use of the Gennadeion collections. The grant was established by the Overseers of the Gennadius Library to honor Lloyd E. Cotsen, Chairman emeritus of the Overseers and benefactor of the Library. Terms: Stipend of $2,000. School fees are waived for a maximum of two months. Fellowship does not include costs for School trips, room, or board. Requires residency in Athens of at least one month during the academic year from September 1 to June 1. The recipient is expected to take part in the activities of the Gennadius Library and the School as a whole in addition to pursuing research. A final report is due at the end of the award period, and the ASCSA expects that copies of all publications that result from research conducted as a Fellow of the ASCSA be contributed to the Gennadius Library. Application: Submit an online application. The application includes a curriculum vitae; project description (up to 750 words) describing the project and its relation to the Gennadius Library collections, proposed dates, and a brief budget (not more than one page). Applicants should arrange for submission of two letters of recommendation. Eligibility: Senior scholars (PhD holders) and graduate students of any nationality.

American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) - Henry S. Robinson Corinth Research Fellowship
Eligibility: Established scholar or Ph.D. candidate, for research on a primary publication or doctoral dissertation specifically on Corinth, requiring the use of the resources, archaeological site, and collections at the ASCSA excavations at Ancient Corinth in Greece. Open to all nationalities. The Robinson Fellowship may not be held concurrently with another School fellowship. Preference is given to candidates who have not previously held the Robinson Fellowship or received substantial ASCSA funding for the same project. Preference may be given to a candidate with a proposal that is concerned with Corinth in the Greek period. Terms: The fellowship program allocates $4,000 per year from which awards may be given to one or more individuals. School fees are waived. Funding is for research activities at Corinth, to be used to cover living expenses, including room, board, and other costs associated with the study, such as costs of scientific analyses and specialized photography (e.g., infrared/3D scanning/etc.). The fellowship cannot be used for travel costs (to and from country of origin or within Greece). A final report is due at the end of the award period, and the ASCSA expects that copies of all publications that result from research conducted as a Fellow of the ASCSA be contributed to Hill House and, as appropriate, the Blegen Library or the Gennadius Library of the School. Duration: Up to three months, within the period from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.

American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) - Weiner Laboratory Research Associate Appointments
Eligibility: Individuals actively enrolled in a graduate program and individuals with a Masters or Doctorate in a relevant discipline. Applicants are welcome from any college or university worldwide. Independent scholars are also welcome to apply. Former Research Associates must wait two (2) years before applying for a Post- or pre- Doctoral Fellowship. Exceptions to these basic eligibility requirements will be granted only in extraordinary cases. Purpose: To conduct short-term, focused research at the Malcolm H. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens as part of a program of research that addresses substantive problems pertaining to the ancient Greek world, or adjacent areas, through the application of interdisciplinary methods in the archaeological sciences. Wiener Laboratory facilities are especially well equipped to support the study of human skeletal biology, archaeobiological remains (faunal and botanical), environmental studies, and geoarchaeology (particularly studies in human-landscape interactions and the study of site formation processes). Research projects utilizing other archaeological scientific approaches are also welcome, depending on the strength of the questions asked and the suitability of the plan for access to equipment and resources available elsewhere in Greece. Term: Variable; up to nine (9) months with the next term beginning early September 2020. It is expected that the applicant will maintain a physical presence at the Wiener Laboratory during the tenure of the appointment. Contributions to the Athens-based ASCSA community during the tenure of the Research Associate appointment, in the form of seminars, colloquia, and workshops, participation in School field trips, or some combination of these and other activities, are encouraged. Compensation: Stipend up to $7000 plus waiver of School fees. Fellow pays room and board.

ANAMED: Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations at Koç University, Turkey: Short-Term Fellowships
Short-Term Fellowships are available to post-doctoral and senior applicants for intensive collaborative research opportunities for durations between 2 weeks and 2 months. These fellowships are open to individuals or groups of 2–4 people and are intended to provide support for ongoing projects, such as finalizing a publication or conducting intensive material analysis or conservation-restoration projects. Collaborative fellowships with Koç University faculty, centers, and facilities are preferred. In such cases, applicants must demonstrate previously established connections in the project description, and collaborating Koç University faculty must supply a reference letter as part of the application. Fellowships provide accommodation at ANAMED, five meals a week, and a modest stipend.

Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) - Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin
Fieldwork opportunities are submitted by project directors or staff members. The AIA does not sponsor any of the projects. When evaluating a project, be sure to contact the project director or designated contact with any questions you might have about conditions, travel, logistics, local environment, etc. Don’t hesitate to ask for specific details about the projects or for references from previous participants or colleagues. If you are still unsure, ask your own instructors and/or professors to help you evaluate and select a project that will be of the greatest benefit to you.

Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) Scholarships for Postgraduate Research in Italy
The Australasian Centre for Italian Studies (ACIS) promotes the activities of research and teaching in the area of Italian Studies in Australasian tertiary institutions. ACIS is offering up to three scholarships worth $6000 each to provide postgraduate students at an Australian or New Zealand university with the opportunity to work on a research project in Italy.

Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) - ASCS Conference Travel Subsidies
ASCS has set aside limited funds to provide subsidies towards the cost of travel to present a paper at its annual conference. Postgraduate students, as well as unfunded postdoctoral, unwaged and part-time scholars—not yet retired—may apply. Subsidies are provided to cover part of the cost of attending the conference and applicants must declare all other funds that they have been granted by their affiliated institution or any other granting body. Applicants are encouraged to investigate whether funding for conference travel is available from their own department or university. It is a condition of applying for a subsidy that the applicant be a current member of ASCS. Applications are usually called for in October each year.

Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) - Douglas Kelly Australian Essay Competition
(Formerly the ASCS Australian Essay Competition.) This annual Competition, which has been running since 1990, is open to undergraduate students in Australian universities. The essay submitted may be a revised version of an essay, tutorial paper or seminar paper by a student enrolled in a first, second or third year course. The essay may be on any aspect of Classical Studies (that is, the languages, history, thought and archaeology of the Ancient World). The length should be between 2000 and 3000 words, and the entry should be submitted through the ASCS Representative in each Australian university. The closing date for entries is usually towards the end of November each year. Value: first prize currently $500; two prizes of $100 each for “runner-up” entries. Restrictions: current Australian university undergraduates.

Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) - Early Career Award
This annual Award, introduced in 2005, is intended to offer acknowledgement and some financial support to those who are “early career” scholars, and to assist them in the development of an academic career. The Award is currently worth AUD$3000. Applications are open to those who have completed a doctorate by research in the last five years at an Australian or New Zealand university, and who do not hold a full-time teaching or research position at a university or tertiary institution or who are in a full-time but non-academic position. Value: The Award is currently worth AUD$3000. Restrictions: ECR, postdoc <5yrs, not holding any full-time position.

Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) - Greek and Latin Unseen Translation Competition
This annual Competition was introduced in 2007. It is open to second and third year undergraduate students in Australian and New Zealand universities. It involves a 45-minute unseen test in either the first or the second week of October. Entries are to be made by academic staff teaching relevant Greek and Latin classes. Value: AUD$250 for the best entry in each language. Restrictions: current 2nd/3rd year undergraduates.

Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) - John Barsby New Zealand Essay Competition
This annual Competition was initiated by the Classical Association of Otago in 2002 and named in honour of John Barsby, the Professor (now retired) of Classics at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. In 2009 ASCS assumed responsibility for the funding of the prizes. Value: NZ$350 for first place and NZ$100 for second place. Restrictions: current New Zealand university undergraduates.

Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) - OPTIMA (“Outstanding Postgraduate Talk In a Meeting of ASCS”)
This annual Award, introduced at ASCS 31 (2010) in Perth, is aimed at rewarding the outstanding postgraduate presentation at the ASCS annual conference. Value: First prize AUD$500; up to two runner-up prizes of AUD$100 each. Restrictions: enrolled postgraduates.

Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies
Since 2013 (for 2014), Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies has offered an annual research grant. In 2017 (for 2018), we offered $1000 AUD, double that of previous years. Funding is available only to members, and we welcome applications from members at all stages of their careers. See also: AWAWS Local Chapter Funding. Note: funding date has changed in 2021 to a mid-year deadline.

Australian Academy of the Humanities
Max Crawford Medal
Medal for Excellence in Translation
John Mulvaney Fellowship [ATSI]
Humanities Travelling Fellowships
Publication Subsidies

Australian & New Zealand Association for Medieval & Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS)
ANZAMEMS is a professional association, based in Australia and New Zealand, that brings together scholars, researchers, and academics engaged in Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern studies. ANZAMEMS offers its members the chance to apply for a number of Prizes and Travel Bursaries.
George Yule Essay Prize
Postgraduate/ Recent Graduate Conference Bursaries
Kim Walker Postgraduate Travel Bursary
Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize
Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize
Parergon Prize

Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens (AAIA) Contemporary Creative Residency
The Contemporary Creative Residency programme was initiated in 2014. Applications are invited from professional Australian artists and writers (emerging and established) who: work in literary or visual media; maintain a strong interest in contemporary, modern, medieval or ancient, Greek culture. The award offers the opportunity to spend a month working and researching in Athens and includes: accommodation for the month of December in the Institute's Hostel, a spacious 3-bedroom apartment located at the foot of the Acropolis; access to libraries, museums and archaeological sites. To foster a creative atmosphere, the Contemporary Creative Resident shares the hostel with the University of Wollongong Artist in Residence. Each December the entire hostel becomes a place of creative contemplation, cultural exploration and artistic activity, thus promoting Hellenic studies as per the core objective of the Institute. It is intended that by directly engaging with and supporting creative practitioners the aims of the AAIA can be innovatively interpreted for our members and the wider community, both within Australia and Greece, and reach a broader audience. Reports from AAIA Artists-in-Residence are published in the AAIA Bulletin.

Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens (AAIA) Fellowship for Research in Greece
This Fellowship is to support travel to Greece for research purposes by Australian postgraduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and academics from Australian universities. Scholars from the fields of Prehistoric and Classical Archaeology, History and Literature, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies who need to spend time for their research in Greece are eligible to apply. Applicants must be Australian or New Zealand citizens or permanent residents in Australia working/studying at an Australian university and must have a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honours or equivalent qualifications. The value of the fellowship is A$15,000, plus a 20% discount on accommodation at the AAIA Hostel.

Archaeological Institute at Athens (AAIA) The Polymnia and Aimilia Kallinikos Scholarship
Owing to a generous donation by Mr Nick Galatis of Adelaide a new scholarship has been established under the aegis of the AAIA. The scholarship carries the name The Polymnia and Aimilia Kallinikos Scholarship. The Scholarship, of AUD$2800 [2022 award], is intended to aid in covering the travel costs of a full-time Masters or doctoral student enrolled at a member university of the Institute who is undertaking research on any aspect of Greek Studies prior to 1453, and who needs to travel to Greece or a neighbouring country for research purposes.

Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens (AAIA)/University of Sydney - Olwen Tudor Jones Scholarship
The Olwen Tudor Jones Scholarship for Archaeological Fieldwork in the Mediterranean was offered by the Society of Mediterranean Archaeology (SoMA) for the first time in 2001. In January 2002 the Council of SoMA voted to rename the scholarship in memory of Olwen Tudor Jones. Subsequently, after generous donations were received from Olwen's family and friends, a capital preserved trust was set up. It is this trust, subsequently augmented by funds raised from SoMA events that finances the annual scholarship. The scholarship is offered to a University of Sydney student of archaeology, or associated field, of high academic achievement for the purpose of partially funding that student's travel costs to participate in fieldwork in the Mediterranean region. Preference is given to a student who will be working on a University of Sydney project, and to a student who has not previously participated in an archaeological project in the Mediterranean before. You are welcome to apply for the scholarship if participating in any excavation in the Mediterranean, especially as in some years there may be no active University of Sydney projects in the region. Please contact the AAIA if you would like advice on suitable field schools etc in your area of interest.

Australian Early Medieval Association (AEMA) Gazette
The 'Fellowship' link is a useful resource.

Australian European University Institute Fellowships Association Inc.
Australian European University Institute Fellowships Association Inc. awards annually one six-month Postdoctoral Fellowship for the period January-June. The Postdoctoral Fellowship is available to those who have graduated with a PhD qualification within the last five years and is open only to Australian citizens and/or residents who are also enrolled in a postdoctoral program at, or employed by, an Australian university. Eligible candidates who apply for EUI Max Weber Fellowship (more information below) may be considered for AEUIFAI Max Weber Fellowship.

Australian Federation of Graduate Women Inc. (AFGW)
Australian Federation of Graduate Women Inc. (AFGW), its States and Territiories and their Branches place the highest priority on providing financial assistance for women to undertake university studies. They offer a number of Fellowships, Grants and Bursaries. Note related opportunities here.

Australian Fulbright Postdoctoral Opportunities
The Australian-American Fulbright Commission offers up to three general category postdoctoral scholarships to individuals seeking to undertake postdoctoral research in the U.S. for 3-10 months, who have either completed their PhD in the past 5 years or are in the last year of completion. Restrictions: These awards are available to any field/discipline. Completed PhD in past 5 years or in last year of completion.

The Australian Historical Association
AHA-Copyright Agency Early Career Researcher Mentorship Scheme
AHA/Copyright Agency Postgraduate Conference Bursaries
AHA/Honest History AHA Conference Teacher Scholarship
Ann Curthoys Prize
Jill Roe Early Career Researcher AHA Conference Scholarship Scheme
Jill Roe Prize
Kay Daniels Award
NAA/AHA Postgraduate Scholarships
Serle Award
WK Hancock Prize

Australian National University - Humanities Research Centre Visiting Fellowship Program
(1) Visiting Fellowships (with grant) The standard period of tenure for an HRC Visiting Fellowship is from a minimum of six to a maximum of twelve weeks. The grant covers travel and accommodation. The maximum contribution for travel is $3,000 AUD. Accommodation is in a one bedroom, self-contained apartment on the university campus. (This financial assistance for travel and accommodation expenses is not a salary replacement. No stipend or living allowance is attached to this fellowship.) While participating in seminars and other activities at other Australian universities is encouraged, Visiting Fellows are not expected to be away for more than 7 days on any one occasion during their fellowships.
(2) Visiting Fellowships (without grant). Academic staff from other Australian universities, as well as from national or international cultural institutions, may apply to use the facilities at the HRC and contribute to its intellectual life during their periods of research leave (e.g. sabbatical). These awards do not provide financial assistance and are dependent on the availability of office space in the Centre.

Australian National University Humanities Research Centre: NMA ANU Summer Scholars Program [2024]
The National Museum of Australia in partnership with the Humanities Research Centre at the Australian National University is delighted to offer a Summer Scholars program for 2024.

Australian Research Council (ARC)
Australian Laureate Fellowships
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)
Discovery Indigenous
Discovery Projects
Future Fellowships

Australian War Memorial - Summer Vacation Scholarship Scheme
The Australian War Memorial provides Summer Vacation Scholarships for history students in their third or fourth year of an undergraduate course, undertaking early-stage postgraduate studies, and/or enrolled in museum or public history courses. This is an important opportunity for students hoping to make history their career. If successful you will acquire skills in public history by working with staff in the Memorial's Military History Section. You will gain an understanding of the range and significance of the Memorial's collections and of the work of historians within a major cultural institution. You will need an excellent academic record, as well as an ability to think imaginatively and work collaboratively. While you do not need a background in military history, you will need a willingness to engage with the subject. If military history is your particular interest, you will gain valuable experience by working intensively with some of Australia's leading experts in the field.Each scholar is allocated a project relating to the Memorial’s research interests. At the end of their scholarship period, scholars submit a written report on their project and give a short presentation to staff and interested members of the public. The scholarship period will be between 6 January and 14 February 2020. Scholars are paid an honorarium of $505 per week for the duration of the scholarship (provided they are not in receipt of a regular, full-time income) and are supplied with accommodation. A return fare between an Australian airport and Canberra is also supplied.

Basel Fellowships in Latin Literature (Switzerland)
The Department of Latin Literature at the University of Basel, Switzerland, in collaboration with the foundation Patrum Lumen Sustine (PLuS), is pleased to invite applications for the first round of the BaselFellowships in Latin Literature. This visiting fellowship programme offers an opportunity for early career researchers as well as established scholars to pursue their research in the framework of a fully funded visit of up to three months at the Department Altertumswissenschaften of the University of Basel. During their stay, Visiting Fellows are entitled to make full use of the excellent resources of the University Library as well as the departmental library, Bibliothek Altertumswissenschaften, one of the world’s leading research libraries for the study of Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations and Classics. Visiting Fellows are expected to present a paper on their research project, and they are invited (but not obliged) to participate in the various research colloquia and other events at the Departement Altertumswissenschaften. The Fellowship’s main objective is to offer Fellows a period of exclusive research time.

The Bodleian Libraries Visiting Fellowships (University of Oxford)
The Bodleian Libraries award short-term Visiting Fellowships to scholars who will benefit from an uninterrupted period of research in the Special Collections of the Libraries. Fellows are expected to be in residence in Oxford throughout their fellowship period and to participate in, and make a contribution to, the intellectual life of the Libraries and the University.

British Academy - Funding Opportunities
Newton International Fellowships: The Newton International Fellowships enable researchers to work for two years at a UK institution with the aim of fostering long-term international collaborations. The Scheme aims to attract the most promising early career postdoctoral researchers from overseas in the fields of natural sciences, physical sciences, medical sciences, social sciences and the humanities.
Global Professorships: This programme provides mid-career to senior scholars in any discipline within the humanities and social sciences, who are currently employed outside the United Kingdom, with the opportunity to be based for four years in the UK and make a contribution to UK research and higher education.

British School at Athens - Awards
Founded in 1886, the BSA is a UK-registered charity and is one of seven British International Research Institutes that receive annual funding from the British Academy. The School exists to promote research of international excellence in all disciplines pertaining to Greek lands, from fine art to archaeometry and in all periods to modern times.

British School at Rome - Awards
  • The Coleman-Hilton Scholarship (University of Sydney)The Macquarie University Gale Scholarship
  • The Thérèse and Ronald Ridley Scholarship (University of Melbourne)
  • Rome Awards (donor funded): humanities and social sciences (any aspect of the social, religious, political and economic cultures of the Italian peninsula, and their wider textual, visual and material dissemination and reception from prehistory to the modern period). Open to: applicants normally will have begun a programme of research in the general field for which the Award is being sought, whether or not registered for a higher degree. Applicants must be British or Commonwealth citizens; or must be studying or have studied at postgraduate level in a Higher Education Institution in the UK (see note below), having completed by October 2018 not less than four years of residence in the UK. Duration: 3 months. Research Grant: £450 per month. (Includes the Judith Maitland Memorial Award.)
  • Paul Mellon Centre Rome Fellowship: The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art sponsors an annual 3-month Rome Fellowship. Research area: Anglo-Italian artistic and architectural topics. Open to: Senior or mid-career scholars in the field, including independent scholars. Duration: 3 months. Research Grant: Independent scholars: £6,000. Full-time university employees: £2,300 plus £7,500 towards teaching replacement at the Fellow’s home institution.
  • Simon Keay Award in Mediterranean Archaeology: This new BSR award, established in 2021 in memory of Professor Simon Keay, is for research on any aspect of Roman archaeology in the Mediterranean. Three months.
Read more about The BSR and the Commonwealth.

Cambridge Australia Scholarships
We support outstanding Australian graduates to undertake Masters and PhD studies at the University of Cambridge, England.

The Cambridge Philological Society Prize
The Cambridge Philological Society has established an annual prize of £1000 for the best article by a graduate or early-career researcher published by the Cambridge Classical Journal in that year. Value: £1000. Restrictions: current graduate/ECR.

Chevening Scholarships
Fully-funded scholarships to undertake any master's course at any UK university.

Clark Fellowships - The Clark Art Institute, Williamstown MA (USA)
Fellowships are awarded every year to established and promising scholars with the aim of fostering a critical commitment to inquiry in the theory, history, and interpretation of art and visual culture. Scholars may propose topics that relate to the visual arts, their history, practice, theory, or interpretation. Any proposal that contributes to understanding the nature of artistic activity and the intellectual, social, and cultural worlds with which it is connected is welcome. Subjects of investigation might come from any period, from prehistory to the present, and from anywhere in the world. Projects can be focused on works in any medium and can employ any methodological approach. Attention, however, will be given to proposals that promise to deepen, transform, or challenge those methods currently practiced within art history or that have the prospect of enhancing an understanding of the role of images in other disciplines in the humanities.

Classical Association of NSW - Ian McLeod Awards
The Ian McLeod Awards exist to support projects which will promote the development of classical studies in NSW. The amount awarded to successful applicants is usually of up to $2,000. More or less any kind of education except university education can be supported by these Awards. Value: up to $2,000. Restrictions: current financial members of CANSW; non-tertiary education projects.

Classical Association of NSW - Latin and Greek Reading Competition
This competition for secondary schools (Years 10 and 11) is conducted each year in June and July. The trophy for the Year 10 Chorus is named in honour of the late Professor Kevin Lee. Restrictions: secondary students.

Columbia University (New York, USA) - Society of Fellows
The program is designed to strengthen the intellectual and academic qualifications of the Fellows: first, by affording them time and resources to develop independent scholarship within a broadening educational and professional context; second, by involving them in interdisciplinary programs of general education and in departmental courses, often of their own design; and third, by associating them individually and collectively with some of the finest teaching scholars in the University. The Society comprises the Fellows, the faculty members of the Governing Board, and other invited faculty.

Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA) - Society for the Humanities

The Dan David Society of Fellows (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
The Dan David Society of Fellows aims to support outstanding postdoctoral research in the study of the past. The Society’s two-year postdoctoral fellowship provides generous funding for international and Israeli scholars, to pursue innovative research at the highest level while enjoying the professional mentorship of faculty members at Tel Aviv University. Candidates who have completed their PhD in any discipline involved in the study of the human past, including but not limited to history, archaeology, history of the arts, history of education, history of science and medicine, physical anthropology, literature, philosophy and digital humanities are eligible to apply.

Don Boyer / Roman Archaeology Group Travel Scholarship
The Scholarship will normally be for a sum of up to $5000.00 [2022] towards the cost of travel from Australia. Current scholarships are funded by Dr Don Boyer and by the Roman Archaeology Group. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the academic merit of the project and financial need. Eligibility:
(1) All currently enrolled students of the University of Western Australia who will have successfully completed at least one unit in Roman archaeology or Roman history by the time of travel are eligible to apply.
(2) Preference may be given to senior students or to those who would not otherwise be able to participate or who are not eligible for support from other university sources.
(1) The Travel Scholarships are intended to assist current UWA students to participate for a period of AT LEAST FOUR WEEKS in a programme of approved fieldwork in a Roman archaeology project and will normally be used to cover travel costs.
(2) “Fieldwork” will normally mean excavation or ground survey but applicants with other ideas for obtaining significant practical experience with the material culture of the Roman world are encouraged to present their ideas to the Scholarship Committee. Past successful applications have included an extensive programme of site visits and participation in a residential course.
(3) At the discretion of the Scholarship Committee a scholarship may be used to enable students to join a Roman Archaeology study tour run by the School of Humanities.

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Research Grants
One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates: DAAD research grants provide foreign doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out research and continue their education in Germany. There are funding programmes for various qualification phases and stages in a career. The grants also promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Dumbarton Oaks
Dumbarton Oaks is a Harvard University research institute, library, museum, and garden located in Washington, DC. Residential fellowships for an academic year, semester, or summer are awarded in all three areas of study [Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, and Garden and Landscape Studies] to scholars from around the world. In addition, Dumbarton Oaks offers one-month non-residential awards to researchers and short-term predoctoral residencies to advanced graduate students.

ECRcentral is a central platform for early career researchers to find research fellowships and travel grants, and to share experiences, resources and feedback.

European Research Council
European Research Council Grants for Non-European Researchers (press release here)

European University Institute (EUI) - The Max Weber Programme (MWP)
The Max Weber Programme (MWP) at the European University Institute (EUI) is the largest and most innovative postdoctoral programme in the historical and social sciences in Europe. The MWP is open to eligible applicants who are within 5 years from the completion of their PhD, from anywhere in the world, regardless of nationality and including non-EU citizens. Preference is given to applicants who have only just completed their doctorate and have not had a post-doctoral fellowship before. The MWP is a global programme at a global institution located in Italy. Like the Fellows, Professors and Researchers at the European University Institute come from across Europe - from Portugal to Russia, and beyond it - from Asia and the Antipodes to North and Latin America, contributing their different academic traditions to the distinctive mix of the Institute. The language of the programme is English.
See also: Australian European University Institute Fellowships Association Inc. (above)

Fondation Hardt Research Scholarships (Switzerland)
The Hardt Foundation for the Study of Classical Antiquity, in pursuit of its ambition to promote the study of the culture and civilization of Greco-Roman antiquity, offers young researchers an opportunity to apply for research scholarships covering stays of two to four weeks. Applications are not accepted for the months of July and August. Areas of research supported are Greek and Latin language and literature, ancient history, ancient philosophy and ancient law. The aim of the research stay is the publication of articles, books or other written contributions. Value: some travel; accommodation. Restrictions: <35 y.o.; current PhD candidate or postdoc. Two closing dates per year (April/November).

Forrest Research Foundation (Western Australia)
The mission of the Forrest Research Foundation is to create a world-leading collaborative centre of research and scholarship in Western Australia The Foundation will ultimately support almost 50 PhD scholars and a dozen postdoctoral fellows who will bring their talents and creativity from around the world to Western Australia to conduct groundbreaking research.

German Archaeological Institute (Munich) - Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy (Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts)
The financial support of the Gerda Henkel Foundation and the Elise and Annemarie Jacobi Foundation, in accordance with the will of Mrs. Annemarie Jacobi, makes it possible for the Commission to support graduate students "of outstanding ability and limited financial freedom" from all countries of the world who are currently preparing or completing doctoral dissertations in the field of Ancient History and closely associated fields. Work on the publication of a dissertation can also be supported as long as the date of the examination is no more than six months prior to the date of the application.
The Commission hereby advertises scholarships for German and foreign doctoral students to enable research stays at its library, which is excellently equipped for work on Ancient History. The planned stay should be of a duration of three months – according to the quarters of the year. In addition to a desk in the library, candidates will receive free accommodation in a fully furnished apartment on site, a reimbursement of their travel costs up to a maximum of EUR 350 (Europe) or EUR 900 (overseas), and a subsidy of EUR 600 per month for their living costs (due to the Corona pandemic the residence obligation is currently subject to the respective legal regulations).
Applications are possible four times a year (by 1 January, 1 April, 1 July, and 1 October).

The Getty Foundation - Residential Grants and Fellowships
While the Getty Foundation has many funding programs for scholars around the world, we also administer grants for scholars who come to work at the Getty Center on behalf of the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, the J. Paul Getty Museum, and the Getty Trust.
  • Getty/ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowships in the History of Art: These fellowships are intended to support an academic year of research and/or writing by early career scholars from around the world for a project that will make a substantial and original contribution to the understanding of art and its history. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects. ACLS will award 10 fellowships, each with a salary-replacement stipend of $60,000, plus $5,000 for research and travel during the award period. The fellowships are portable and are tenable at the fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for the work proposed. Awards also will include a one-week residence at the Getty Research Institute following the fellowship period.
  • Getty Library Research Grants: Getty Library Research Grants provide partial, short-term support for researchers requiring the use of specific collections housed in the Getty Research Institute (GRI).
  • Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships: Getty Pre-doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended for emerging scholars to complete work on projects related to the Getty Research Institute's annual research theme. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue research projects, complete their dissertations, or expand dissertation for publication. Fellows make use of the Getty collections, join in a weekly meeting devoted to the annual theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty. Applications for Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral fellowships are welcome from scholars of all nationalities.
  • Getty Scholar Grants: Getty Scholar Grants are for established scholars, or writers who have attained distinction in their fields. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free from academic obligations, make use of Getty collections, join their colleagues in a weekly meeting devoted to an annual research theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty. Applications are welcome from researchers of all nationalities who are working in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. Applicants who received their degree after September 1, 2015, should apply for a postdoctoral fellowship.

The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation - Venetian Research Program: British & Commonwealth
The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation – British and Commonwealth Committee – announces its programme of grants for study based on travel to and research in Venice and the Veneto and other territories of the former Venetian Republic. Grants will be awarded for historical research on Venice and its empire, and for the study of contemporary Venetian society and culture. Applicants from all disciplines of the humanities and social sciences are eligible for areas of study including, but not limited to: anthropology; archaeology; architecture; art; bibliography; economics; history; history of science; law; literature; music; political thought; religion; theatre; film and television. Applications for research on environment and conservation are welcomed. Other relevant research interests will be considered.

Gowrie Scholarship
The Gowrie Scholarship derives from a fund that was set up in 1943 to maintain scholarships in perpetual memory of those Australian men and women who gave their lives for their country in the Second World War. In accordance with the Trust Deed, in awarding Gowrie Scholarships preference will be given to members of the Australian Armed Forces and their lineal descendants (including step, adopted and ex-nuptial children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren etc).

H.A.P.S. (Humans Against Poor Scholarship) Grant
The H.A.P.S. (Humans Against Poor Scholarship) grant is a fully crowd-sourced summer research grant for active Ph.D. students studying the Ancient Near East. The grant ($2,000 for each scholar) is intended to be spent funding research conducted over the summer - either working at an archaeological dig, traveling for archival or museum work, or simply sustaining themselves while they write up research results.

Harold Wright Scholarship and Sarah & William Holmes Scholarship
The Harold Wright Scholarship and The Sarah and William Holmes Scholarship, worth approximately $19,700, allows holders to carry out an intensive study of prints at the British Museum in London for a period of 3-12 months. The scholarship is open to graduates of Australian or New Zealand universities.

Harvard University - The Frank Knox Memorial Fellowships
The Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship program provides funding for students from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to conduct graduate study at Harvard University. Through in-country competitions, Knox Fellowships are typically awarded to 15 newly admitted students each year. Knox Fellowship funding is guaranteed for up to two years of study at Harvard for students in degree programs requiring more than one year of study. There can be as many as 30 Knox Fellows at Harvard in any given year.

Harvard University - Houghton Library Visiting Fellowships
Scholars at all stages of their careers are invited to apply to pursue projects that require in-depth research on Houghton Library’s holdings, draw on staff expertise, and participate in intellectual life at Harvard. Open to candidates of all nationalities.

Harvard University - The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study - Fellowships
The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University is dedicated to creating and sharing transformative ideas across the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.

The Herbert and Valmae Freilich Project for the Study of Bigotry - Early Career Research Small Grants Scheme (ANU)
The Freilich Project offers up to three grants of $5000 each to emerging scholars as part of its Early Career Research Small Grants Scheme. To assist research into the causes, the histories and the effects of ethnic, cultural, religious and sexual bigotry and animosity. To explore how such intolerance can be combatted, and co-existence promoted. Applications are open to all Early Career Researchers (as defined by the Australian Research Council) and PhD Scholars working in Australian tertiary institutions, public sector employees, community sector employees and people undertaking private research. Grants are open to researchers from all disciplines. Applications can be made to assist research in a number of ways, including, but not limited to, the following: Travel (archive work, field work); Conference Attendance; Research assistance; Administrative assistance; Equipment; Child care costs; Teaching relief. Frequency: Annual. Amount: Five thousand dollars maximum. (Applications for smaller grants are welcome).

HiSoMA (History and sources of the Ancient Worlds) Research Centre (Lyon, France)
A new fellowship program open to doctoral and post-doctoral students studying and residing outside of France. The selected student will be invited to Lyon during a month (March 2020) in order to participate in the center's activities and benefit from its resources. HiSoMA will cover travel and accommodation, and provide a 600€ grant for meal expenses.

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, at the beginning of your academic career and only completed your doctorate in the last four years. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host. Scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation online at any time. In recent years, approximately 25% to 30% of applications were successful. Short-term study visits, participation in congresses and training courses cannot be financed. See the full list of Humboldt awards here.

Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW), New York
ISAW is prepared to host visiting research scholars in three categories:
(1) Two-Year Visiting Assistant Professors: Holders of these positions are appointed as faculty, teach one graduate-level research seminar at ISAW during the two-year period, and teach one undergraduate course in an NYU department each academic year. [ECR]
(2) One-Year Visiting Research Scholars: Holders of these positions are typically appointed as professional research staff. One-Year Visiting Research Scholar positions are available to scholars of all post-PhD career stages, from recently minted PhDs to retired academics. Current doctoral students in their final year of dissertation work are also welcome to apply.
(3) Externally-Funded Visiting Research Scholars: ISAW is prepared to consider applications from postdoctoral scholars with their own funding from another source. Externally Funded Visiting Research Scholar positions are available to scholars of all post-PhD career stages, from recently minted PhDs to retired academics. Applicants should have their doctorates in hand by the beginning of their period of appointment at ISAW. Holders of these positions do not receive any financial support from ISAW.

Institute of Classical Studies (London, UK)
The national centre for the promotion and facilitation of research in Classics and related disciplines throughout the UK and abroad.
  • Dorothy Tarrant Fellowship: The Dorothy Tarrant Fellowship is a newly inaugurated fellowship, set up to commemorate the contribution of a pioneering figure in UK classics. The Fellowship is awarded to scholars from universities outside the UK with research interests in any field of classical studies. The successful candidate is expected to spend a minimum of six weeks at the Institute and to deliver the Tarrant Lecture. He or she is provided with a stipend of £5000 toward the cost of travel and accommodation.
  • T.B.L. Webster Fellowship: The T. B. L. Webster Fellowship was inaugurated in 1999. Professor E. J. Jory (Western Australia) was appointed as the first Webster Fellow. The Fellowship is awarded to scholars from universities outside the UK whose research interests are in ancient theatre and performance and its reception OR in classical art and archaeology. The successful candidate is expected to spend a minimum of six weeks at the Institute and to deliver the Webster Lecture. He or she is provided with a stipend of £5000 toward the cost of travel and accommodation.
  • A. D. Trendall Fellowship: The A. D. Trendall Fellowship was inaugurated in 2000. The Trendall Fellow is normally appointed in alternate years and is open to scholars from universities outside the UK. Preference will be given to applicants working in the same areas of interest as Professor Trendall, including ancient Italy and classical art history. The successful candidate is expected to spend a minimum of six weeks at the Institute and to deliver the Trendall Lecture. He or she is provided with a stipend of £5000 toward the cost of travel and accommodation.
  • Visiting Fellowships: The Institute offers a number of non-stipendiary Visiting Fellowships which are ordinarily awarded for periods of between two and 12 months. They are open to Classical scholars from universities in the UK and abroad. Visiting Fellows have access to the library and other facilities in the Institute, and many give talks or take part in other academic events during their stay, in London or elsewhere in the UK.

I Tatti Fellowships (The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence, Italy)
Fifteen I Tatti Residential Fellowships, each for twelve months, are available annually for post-doctoral research in any aspect of the Italian Renaissance, broadly understood historically to include the period from the 14th to the 17th century and geographically to include transnational dialogues between Italy and other cultures (e.g. Latin American, Mediterranean, African, Asian etc.).

I Tatti Fellowship in the Digital Humanities (The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Florence, Italy)
Projects can address any aspect of the Italian Renaissance, broadly understood historically to include the period from the 14th to the 17th century, and geographically to include transnational dialogues between Italy and other cultures (e.g. Latin American, Mediterranean, African, Asian, etc.). Projects should apply digital technologies such as mapping, textual analysis, visualization, or the semantic web to topics in fields such as art and architecture, history, literature, material culture, music, philosophy, religion, and the history of science.This is a residential fellowship of 4 or 6 months in length. Up to two fellowships will be awarded every year. I Tatti welcomes applications from scholars from all nations and gives special consideration to candidates without regular access to research materials and facilities in Italy.

James Loeb Fellowships (Munich)
James Loeb Fellowships for the Classical Tradition in Art and Architecture at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munich, sponsored by the James Loeb Gesellschaft e.V. and the Harvard Club München e.V. The Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte will award two James Loeb Fellowships for the Classical Tradition in Art and Architecture. ECR, 3 months, stipend, travel.

John Monash Scholarships
John Monash Scholarships recognise excellence and leadership, and celebrate one of Australia’s finest leaders: General Sir John Monash. Scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding Australian graduates to support them with postgraduate study at the world’s best universities. Successful applicants have demonstrated excellence in their field, leadership potential, and a vision for how they can contribute to a better Australia. The John Monash Scholarships are not limited by age, gender, academic field of study or choice of overseas university.

Kudos Foundation
Kudos is the only charity in Australia dedicated to the support of Ancient Greek and Latin as such. The constitutional aims of the Kudos Foundation are: 1) to raise money for the teaching in Australia of Ancient Greek and Latin; 2) to support and encourage research and scholarship in Australia in all aspects of classical studies; 3) to maintain in individual places of learning in Australia established traditions of excellence in classical studies. In each case Kudos aims to supply support, and to negotiate the support of the relevant academic institution, for worthwhile projects which the institution might not be able to justify on the usual calculus of Equivalent Full Time Student Units or other “business activity indicators”.

La Trobe University - Art History Alumni Trendall Fellowship
Through a generous donation from the Art History Alumni of La Trobe University in memory of Professor A. D. Trendall, the Trendall Research Centre invites applications for a fellowship to carry out research in Melbourne for one month in 2019, using the facilities of the Trendall Research Centre. The recipient is expected to work on a project concerned with some aspect of the art and archaeology of South Italy and Sicily. Preference may be given to a project related to red-figure pottery that utilises the resources of the Trendall Archive.

The Laura Bassi Scholarship
The Laura Bassi Scholarship was established by Editing Press in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed, within their disciplines. The scholarships are open to every discipline and are awarded three times per year: December, April, and August. The value of the scholarships are remitted through editorial assistance as follows: Master’s candidates: $750; Doctoral candidates: $2,500; Junior academics: $500. These figures reflect the upper bracket of costs of editorial assistance for master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, and academic journal articles, respectively. All currently enrolled master’s and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply, as are academics in the first five years of their employment. There are no institutional, departmental, or national restrictions.

The Lemmermann Foundation's Scholarship Award
The Lemmermann Foundation offers scholarships in the classical studies and humanities to master's and doctoral students. Topic of research must be related to Rome and the Roman culture of any period, from the Pre-Roman period to the present day time. Applicants must provide evidence for their need to study and carry out research in Rome.

The Leverhulme Trust
Visiting Professorships: For UK institutions to invite an eminent researcher from overseas to enhance the skills and knowledge of the academic staff and/or students. Value: Applications are invited for a minimum of £10,000 and a maximum of £150,000. Duration: A Visiting Professorship may last for between 3 and 12 months, and tenures of 6 months or more can be spread over 2 or more visits.

Lewis-Gibson Visiting Fellowships (Cambridge, UK)
Description: "three postdoctoral Visiting Fellowships each academic year. Each Visiting Fellow is appointed for one academic term and receives access to the University of Cambridge library system for the duration of their fellowship."

Loeb Classical Library Foundation Fellowship
The Loeb Classical Library Foundation awards fellowships to qualified scholars to support research, publication, and other projects in the area of classical studies. Fellowships will normally range from $1,000 to $35,000. In the case of sabbatical replacement, applicants must have faculty or faculty emeritus status at a college or university at the time of application and during the entire time covered by the fellowship. Qualified scholars are eligible for support for publication of research. Fellowships may be used for a wide variety of purposes. Examples include publication of research, enhancement of sabbaticals, travel to libraries or collections, dramatic productions, excavation expenses, or cost of research materials. Individual fellowship requests may be only partially funded. James Loeb directed in his will that income from the Loeb Classical Library beyond that needed for the maintenance and enhancement of the Library eventually should be used "for the encouragement of special research at home and abroad in the province of Archaeology and of Greek and Latin Literature," and that awards should be granted "without distinction as to sex, race, nationality, color or creed."

Loeb Classical Library Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships in Classics
The Trustees of the Loeb Classical Library Foundation announce funding of four two-year postdoctoral fellowships to be held in the academic years 2021–2023. [A further four fellowships will be funded for the academic years 2022–2024] The details for the first round of competition for these fellowships are as follows. Eligibility: Doctoral dissertation in the US or abroad in any area of classical studies, completed in the academic years 2019/20 or 2020/21. Stipend: $50,000 plus for reimbursements for health benefits (to $5000) if needed, and modest moving expenses where needed to take advantage of a Visiting Scholar status (on which see further below); $2000 research fund. Application Deadline (firm): February 15, 2021, all materials. Details to follow after July 1 on

Ludwig-Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies (Innsbruck)
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies awards international fellowships of €1100 per month to researchers at BA, MA or Postdoc level. The fellowships are for 1–6 months. Interested researchers are expected to work on a specific project from the fields of Neo-Latin literature and Renaissance studies and to take residence in Innsbruck during the period of the fellowship.

LMU Research Fellowships (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
The LMU Research Fellowships support the career development of outstanding postdocs from all fields of research. You will benefit from: a two-year fellowship with a competitive salary and substantial research budget; managing your own research project with the support of an LMU professor; undertaking research stays at international partner organizations; an excellent infrastructure and a wide variety of professional training options; the vibrant interdisciplinary exchange at the Young Center of LMU’s Center for Advanced Studies.

Macquarie University - ACANS Junior Fellowships at Macquarie University
This fellowship is normally available to students who have obtained a BA from any tertiary institution in ancient history, archaeology or classical languages. It is expected that the fellowship will be held while the candidate is enrolled for a higher degree [currently enrolled in Australia and New Zealand]. The fellowship is intended to assist students learn about numismatics with a view to developing wider research strategies. Students who obtain the fellowships will be asked to participate in a seminar series on numismatics given by the director of ACANS, to undertake a numismatic research project (the results of which will be presented in a seminar), and to assist in the work of ACANS. At the end students will submit a brief report on their activities to the director. Fellowship value: approx. AUD $4000.

Macquarie University - ACANS Travelling Scholarships
These scholarships are offered for MQ post graduate students wishing to undertaken research in ancient numismatics. The applicant must be enrolled in a postgraduate degree. Value: up to A$1,500. Restrictions: current enrolled Macquarie postgrads. Note: two rounds per year.

Macquarie University - The Macquarie Gale British School at Rome Scholarship
Thanks to the generosity of Mrs Janet Gale and the late Dr Bill Gale, the Ancient History Department of Macquarie University is offering a scholarship to travel to and reside at the British School at Rome for up to six months starting from January 2020. Value: economy airfare; BSR residence; other approved expenses. Restrictions: Macquarie postgraduate candidates/Macquarie postdoc <5yrs.

Macquarie University - The Macquarie Gale Graeco-Roman Travelling Scholarship
Thanks to the generosity of Mrs Janet Gale and the late Dr Bill Gale, the Ancient History Department of Macquarie University is offering an award to Macquarie University HDR students and recent graduates to travel overseas in order to pursue a program of research in Graeco-Roman history. Value: Up to A$5,000. Restrictions: Macquarie postgraduate candidates/Macquarie postdoc <5yrs.

Macquarie University - The Macquarie/Tyndale Travelling Scholarship
Through the generosity of Tyndale House (Cambridge) and a donor from the Society for the Study of Early Christianity (SSEC), the Ancient History Department of Macquarie University is offering a travelling scholarship for four weeks to Tyndale House, Cambridge in January/February 2020. Value: $1,500 (airfare); 4 weeks' accommodation; other approved expenses. Restrictions: Macquarie postgraduate candidates/Macquarie postdoc <5yrs.

Macquarie University - The Michelle McLean Egyptology Travelling Scholarship
In memory of the late Mrs Michelle McLean, and thanks to the generosity of Mr Cameron McLean, the Department of Ancient History at Macquarie University is offering a scholarship to enable a student to undertake travel overseas to pursue a program of study or research with the aim of advancing the study of Egyptology. Value: Up to A$5,000. Restrictions: Macquarie postgraduate candidates/Macquarie postdoc <5yrs.

Macquarie University - The Monica Anderson Ancient Cultures Travelling Scholarship
Thanks to the generosity of the Anderson family and the late Monica Anderson, the Ancient History Department of Macquarie University is offering an award to Macquarie University undergraduate, HDR students and recent graduates to travel overseas in order to pursue a program of research or participate in excavations, surveys, or recording missions at various sites across the Mediterranean, studying aspects of the art, sculpture, urbanism, temple, funerary, and monastic architecture at these locations. Value: Up to $2,000. Restrictions: current Macquarie undergraduates, MRes or PhD candidates; recent Macquarie postdoc <5yrs.

Macquarie University Research Fellowships (MQRF) Scheme
The purpose of the Macquarie University Research Fellowships (MQRF) Scheme is to support researchers within three years of the award of their PhD who have an outstanding track record (relative to opportunity) and/or who show evidence of excellent research potential. The Scheme provides an incubation period for early career researchers to allow them to increase their competitive edge in securing research funding from non-University sources. In addition, the Scheme aims to enhance the research capabilities of existing and emerging areas of research strength at Macquarie University.

Marsden Fund (Royal Society of New Zealand)
Supports excellence in science, engineering, maths, social sciences and the humanities in New Zealand by providing grants for investigator-initiated research.

The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture (Hellenic College Holy Cross, Massachusetts)
The Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture is dedicated to the promotion and advancement of knowledge about the rich heritage of Byzantine art and culture. [Various small grants(e.g. publication) and a very useful listing of worldwide funding opportunities.]

Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) - The Met Fellowship Program
Join a community of scholars in the fields of art history, archaeology, museum education, conservation, and related sciences, as well as scholars in other disciplines, whose dynamic and interdisciplinary projects require close study of objects in The Met collection. Annually, The Met awards over 50 fellowships to scholars from around the world. It is an educational priority to make The Met a laboratory for art and ideas. As a result, we support academic investigations of the Museum's collection spanning more than 5,000 years from every corner of the world and contribute to broader scholarly discourses. Met fellowships are awarded to junior scholars, postdoctoral and senior academics, and museum professionals for independent study or research.

The Michael Ventris Award for Mycenaean Studies
The Michael Ventris Memorial Fund was founded in 1957 in appreciation of his contribution to the fields of Mycenaean civilization and architecture. The Trustees of the Fund offer an annual award of up to £2,500 to a junior scholar for research into Mycenaean studies or kindred subjects: (1) Linear B and other Bronze Age scripts of the Aegean and Cyprus, and their historical and cultural connections and (2) all other aspects of the Bronze Age of the Aegean and Cyprus. It is intended that the Award should support a specific project, which may be part of a continuing programme of post-doctoral research. The Award is open to applicants from all countries who have completed their doctorate within the past eight years. Applications are also accepted from postgraduate students who are about to complete their doctorate, although the Award is not intended to fund doctoral research per se.

National Gallery of Art Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (Washington DC) - A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
The Center currently offers one postdoctoral fellowship biennially for two consecutive academic years. The A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow will reside in Washington. During both years of a two-year residency the A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow carries out research and writing for publication and designs and directs an intensive weeklong seminar for the seven predoctoral fellows in residence at the Center. In the second academic year, while continuing research and writing in residence, the fellow is expected to teach one course (advanced undergraduate or graduate) by arrangement at a neighboring university in addition to directing a weeklong seminar for the predoctoral fellows at the Center, which may repeat the one designed and directed in the first academic year. The A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship supports research in the history, theory, and criticism of the visual arts of any period or culture.

National Humanities Center (North Carolina)
Become a Fellow at the National Humanities Center (North Carolina). The National Humanities Center will offer up to 40 residential fellowships for advanced study in the humanities for the period September 2020 through May 2021. Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent scholarly credentials. Mid-career and senior scholars are encouraged to apply. Emerging scholars with a strong record of peer-reviewed work may also apply. The Center does not support the revision of doctoral dissertations. In addition to scholars from all fields of the humanities, the Center accepts individuals from the natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, and public life who are engaged in humanistic projects. The Center is international in scope and welcomes applications from scholars outside the United States. The National Humanities Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national or ethnic origin, handicap, sexual orientation, or age. We are dedicated to fair treatment, diversity, and inclusion.

National Library of Australia - Fellowships
The National Library of Australia, in partnership with its generous sponsors and donors, offers researchers an opportunity to undertake a three month residency at the Library. Applicants may work in any field or discipline where the Library’s collections have appropriate depth and breadth to support the desired outcomes.

Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences
The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW) provides temporary fellowships for talented scholars – renowned and up-and-coming researchers alike. It stimulates curiosity-driven advanced research in a collaborative and constructive environment.

The Newberry Library Fellowships (Chicago)
Long- and Short-Term Fellowships to use The Newberry's collections.

The New York Public Library - Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers
The Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers is an international fellowship program open to people whose work will benefit directly from access to the collections at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building — including academics, independent scholars, and creative writers (novelists, playwrights, poets). Visual artists at work on a book project are also welcome to apply. The Center appoints 15 Fellows a year for a nine-month term at the Library, from September through May. In addition to working on their own projects, the Fellows engage in an ongoing exchange of ideas within the Center and in public forums throughout the Library.

NOMIS Fellowships - eikones Center for the Theory and History of the Image (University of Basel)
The generosity of the NOMIS Foundation has made three annual fellowships for advanced scholars at the Zentrum –eikones possible. The NOMIS Fellowship Program supports groundbreaking research projects related to how images act as models or paradigms in scientific and aesthetic contexts. We are interested in the fundamental ways images serve as instruments for making complex structures visible and accessible to interpretation. In both aesthetic and experimental settings, images often assume an exemplary character, aiding epistemic and learning processes. They fulfill evidential, didactic, and symbolic functions, and thereby produce different forms of knowledge. Relevant topics of research might consider, for example, the history and theory of imaging techniques in the natural sciences; the ideals and stereotypes that shape social contexts and political discussions; or the formation and dissolution of canons, iconograp)hies, character types, and styles in the arts. On the methodological side, projects are rooted in a specific research field, and reflect on the relation between their individual discipline and image studies. The fellowships will allow outstanding scholars and scientists to pursue their research free from teaching and administrative obligations. Fellows are in residence at eikones in Basel and contribute to the advancement of its research. Fellowships are advertised beginning in September of each year.

Onassis Fellowships Program for International Scholars
The Fellowships Program for international scholars was introduced in 1995 and is aimed at academics of all ranks – members of national Academies, Ph.D. holders and post-doctoral researchers – to conduct research in Greece in subjects relating to Greek culture and society. The scholarships are also aimed at citizens of Cyprus who are not Greek residents, while the Greek diaspora, second generation Greeks, and Greeks who permanently reside abroad and have been studying or have been employed in foreign Universities for over 10 or 15 years, may also be accepted.

[Oxbridge] Junior Research Fellowships/Postdocs - Oxford and Cambridge
Useful guides by Katherine McDonald, Anna P. Judson, & Laura Tisdall.
Cambridge: Cambridge College and affiliated institution jobs; Cambridge University Reporter.
Oxford: The Conference of Colleges (all academic and research vacancies); Oxford University Gazette.

Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund
The Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 by donations from Australian Oxford graduates as part of the Oxford Thinking fund-raising process. Since 1998, the fund has grown and has made some ninety four awards to Australian scholars reading at the University of Oxford. Currently there are two mechanisms for an award of Oxford Australia Scholarship funding. Firstly, the Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund partners with the University of Oxford's Clarendon Fund to provide all fees and a full grant for living expenses for the duration of a graduate course. One award is the James Fairfax Oxford Australia Clarendon award, a second is the Brasenose College Oxford Australia Clarendon award and a third is the Lincoln College Oxford Australia Clarendon award. Secondly, College-linked Oxford Australia Scholarships will provide partial support for up to four Australians each year. Following application to Oxford, through either for postgraduate degrees, or for a second Bachelor degree, electronic applications for these Oxford Australia awards need to be made directly to the Oxford Australia Scholarship Committee.

Princeton University - Institute for Advanced Study
The Institute for Advanced Study is an independent private institution founded in 1930 to create a community of scholars focused on intellectual inquiry, free from teaching and other university obligations. Each year scholars from around the world apply to come to the Institute to pursue their own research. Those who are chosen are offered a membership for a set period. Members receive access to the extensive resources of the Institute, including offices, access to libraries, subsidized restaurant and housing facilities, and some secretarial services.

Ramsay Postgraduate Scholarships
Up to 3 years of coursework/research overseas.

Princeton University - The Seeger Center at Princeton University
An interdisciplinary community for the study of the Greek world from antiquity to the present. Postdoctoral opportunities available.

Research Training Program
The RTP provides block grants, on a calendar year basis, to higher education providers (HEPs) to support both domestic and overseas students undertaking Research Doctorate and Research Masters degrees, known as higher degrees by research (HDRs). For students: The Research Training Program (RTP) scheme is administered by individual universities on behalf of the Department of Education. Applications for RTP Scholarships need to be made directly to participating universities. Each university has its own application and selection process, please contact your chosen university directly to discuss how to apply for the RTP scheme. [Replaced the Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA).]

Rhodes Scholarships
Each year, there are nine Scholarships available for Australia. The first Australian Rhodes Scholars took up residence in Oxford in 1904, and since that time many hundreds of Australians have been awarded the Scholarship. Of the nine scholarships available each year in Australia, each state offers one Scholarship that is awarded by a selection committee of seven members (including three Rhodes Scholars) based in the state. In addition, there are three Australia-at-Large Scholarships awarded by a selection committee based in Canberra.
Also: The Rhodes Scholarships for New Zealand.

Staatliche Museen zu Berlin - International Fellowship Programme
Sabbatical leave and research residencies at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. The programme supports research projects that bear direct relation to the diverse institutions and rich collections of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. It aims to strengthen the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin’s position within the international scholarly network and is therefore aimed specifically at foreign scholars who do not reside in Germany. The programme especially promotes young researchers. The fellowships allow researchers to work on their project and make professional contacts at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. As a result, they also get to participate in the scholarly and cultural life within the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz.

Stanford Archaeology Center, Stanford University - Postdoctoral Fellowship (2020-2021)
The Stanford Archaeology Center announces a postdoctoral position in archaeology. The field of expertise is open, with preference given to topics complementary to existing faculty interests. The main focus of the fellowship will be on published output. The candidate is also expected to teach one course per year, organize one academic conference at Stanford during the fellowship, and engage with faculty and graduate students at the Center. The faculty sponsor of this postdoc will be the faculty director of the Stanford Archaeology Center. The appointment carries a twelve-month salary commensurate with the University Provost established minimum pay levels. The appointment may be eligible for renewal for up to three years based on satisfactory performance and the existence of funding. Postdoctoral scholars are required to be in residence in the Stanford area during the term of the appointment. U.S. citizenship is not required.

Stanford Humanities Center - Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in the Humanities
The Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in the Humanities program is a unique opportunity for the best recent PhD recipients in the humanities to develop as scholars and teachers. Up to four fellowships will be awarded for a two-year term (with the possibility of a third). Fellows teach two courses per year in one of Stanford’s fifteen humanities departments, and are expected to participate in the intellectual life of the program, which includes regular meetings with other fellows and faculty to share work in progress and to discuss topics of mutual interest. Fellows will also be affiliated with the Stanford Humanities Center and will have the opportunity to be active in its programs and workshops. Program admissions focus on selected fields of scholarship in each application year (on a rotating basis). We invite applicants to apply for fellowships in fields where their work has demonstrable relevance to teaching and research in the designated Stanford department.

State Library of New South Wales - Fellowships
Programs to support the research, writing and teaching of Australian history and culture.

State Library of Victoria - Fellowships
The State Library's fellowships program is one of the most substantial in Australia. Each year, the Library offers Creative Fellowships to encourage the original and imaginative use or development of the Library's collections for new work. The Library also provides a number of specialist fellowships to support and recognise the importance of scholarly endeavour in areas ranging from children's literature and social history to the visual arts, theatre, 19th-century Victoria, Indigenous cultural research and digital technology.
This is the official Australian Government website for international students. Search for courses, institutions and scholarships, read about studying and living in Australia, watch stories from other students, and learn about Australian education.

Tsiter-Kontopoulou Short-Term Research Stipends (University of Vienna)
The Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Vienna, thanks to the generosity of the Tsiter-Kontopoulou Fund, invites applications for a Short-Term Research Stipend to enable pre- and post-doctoral scholars to pursue research on Byzantine and early modern Greek culture, with particular emphasis on cultural and intellectual history in the widest sense, including the history of Orthodox Christianity. Terms: The duration of the research stay is usually two weeks. During this time, the recipients of the stipend are expected to give an informal lunch-time presentation of their current research. Eligibility: This stipend is intended to support young and early career scholars, i.e. from the final year of doctoral study to no more than eight years after the completion of the Ph.D. Amount: The stipend offers the reimbursement of travel expenses plus a daily allowance, for a maximum of 2.500 Euros total (to be reimbursed after the completion of the stay). You are expected to make your own arrangements. Appointment period: Any two weeks between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2020, except 1 July to 15 September.

University of Cincinnati Tytus Fellowships
University of Cincinnati Summer Residencies
The University of Cincinnati Classics Department is pleased to offer two types of fellowships for study and research in the fields of philology, history, or archaeology at the John Miller Burnam Classics Library: Tytus Fellowships during the academic year, and Cincinnati Summer Residencies from May to August.
  • Senior scholars are invited to apply for the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program. Applicants for this program will ordinarily be a minimum of five years beyond receipt of the Ph.D., with notable publication histories. Tytus Scholars are expected to be in residence at the University of Cincinnati for a minimum of one semester (ca. four months) and a maximum of two during the regular academic year; see UC Academic Calendar. In exceptional circumstances, Tytus Scholars may be appointed for a shorter term (one to two months) during the regular academic year. Tytus Scholars will receive a monthly stipend of $1,500 plus housing near campus and a transportation allowance, as well as office space attached to the Burnam Classics Library.
  • More recent PhDs and other scholars who would benefit from the use of a world-class classics library are invited to apply for the Cincinnati Summer Residency program. Applicants for this program will have their Ph.D. in hand by the time of application, and will ordinarily be in residence at the University of Cincinnati for approximately two months in the summer terms, May to mid-August; see UC Academic Calendar. Cincinnati Summer Residents will receive housing near campus and office space attached to the Burnam Classics Library. Residents are not eligible for a stipend or travel reimbursement.

University of Connecticut - Humanities Institute Visiting Fellowships
UConn Humanities Fellowships are opportunities for individuals to pursue advanced work in the humanities.

University of Divinity - Grants and Scholarships
Information about grants and scholarships to study at the University are published on this page throughout the year as they become available.

University of Erfurt - The Herzog-Ernst-Scholarship Programme
The Herzog-Ernst-Scholarship Programme at the Research Library Gotha and the Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt aims to promote academic research by providing access to the resources of the Research Library and of the associated historic collection of the Justus Perthes Gotha Publishing House as well as collections held in the Gotha Friedenstein Castle.

University of Melbourne - McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowships Program
The McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowships Program has been established to attract outstanding recent doctoral graduates to the University from around the world. The Program aims to recruit new researchers who have the potential to build and lead interdisciplinary collaborative research activities inside and across Academic Divisions.

University of Melbourne - Thérèse and Ronald Ridley Scholarship
The Thérèse and Ronald Ridley Scholarship will support a current PhD student in the Classics and Archaeology department at the University of Melbourne. The scholarship is to be used to travel to the British School at Rome to conduct research that will assist PhD completion.

University of Melbourne/National Gallery of Victoria - The Ursula Hoff Fellowship
Dr Ursula Hoff bequeathed funds to the University of Melbourne to establish a fellowship for the study and promotion of prints held in the print collections of the University of Melbourne and the National Gallery of Victoria. In recognition of Dr Hoff’s scholarly and professional achievements, the Fellowship is awarded annually to a candidate displaying a commitment to research into prints, the history of print collecting and the scholarly activities of museums and universities. The Ursula Hoff Fellowship is open to early career researchers who have completed a Master of Arts (MA), Master of Fine Arts (MFA) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Art, Art History, Arts Management or Art Curatorship at a recognised Australian university.

University of Newcastle (Australia) - Odyssey Travel Scholarship
Classics and Ancient History PhD Travel Scholarship. $5000 scholarship for travel costs to Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Cyprus. Restrictions: enrolled University of Newcastle Higher Degree Research students.

University of Notre-Dame - Rome Seminar
This seminar is designed to introduce graduate students from across the humanities to the unique primary sources available in Rome. Working hands on with materials in the city’s archives and libraries, students will be exposed to the rich potential of a wide range of sources produced from 1100 to 1750. Seminar meetings will be held at the Vatican Apostolic Library, the Biblioteca Nazionale, and the Archivio di Stato, and elsewhere. The seminar will also include a series of presentations by senior scholars who will discuss how they have collected and interpreted Roman primary sources in their own research. Each successful applicant will receive a stipend of up to $3,500 to defray travel costs, housing, and meals in Rome. We welcome applications from students from any discipline at any stage in their graduate education. To be eligible to apply, you must be enrolled full-time in a graduate program. The focus of your research need not be Rome but you should have an interest in developing that research through the use of primary sources located in the city.

University of Oxford - All Souls College
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
    The Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship is a five-year, non-renewable fellowship, open to men and women who have recently completed or are about to complete a doctorate at any recognized university. The College usually elects Post-Doctoral Research Fellows in alternate years.
    Senior Research Fellowships
  • The Senior Research Fellowship is a renewable seven-year year fellowship equivalent to a full professorship or statutory chair in the University of Oxford or to a pure-research tenured chair in the U.S. Senior Research Fellowships are open to senior academic and independent scholars with an outstanding record of research.
  • Visiting Fellowships
    Visiting Fellowships are intended to enable their holders to carry out study and research in Oxford and to participate in the academic life of the University. Visiting Fellowships are awarded for one, two, or three terms of an academic year. Applications will be considered from staff of any university or other institution of higher learning, and from other suitably qualified persons who wish to carry out scholarly work in Oxford. Visiting Fellowships are open in all subjects, and to men and women from all countries.

University of Queensland - The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH)
  • Faculty Fellowships: The Faculty Fellowship program provides Teaching & Research staff with the opportunity to be situated in either the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) or the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) for one semester to focus on a defined research project in a research-intensive environment. Fellows are provided with teaching relief for a semester in order to achieve this aim. The Faculty Research Office provides administrative support to the scheme.
  • HDR Fellowships: The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) offers a limited number of fellowships for University of Queensland doctoral candidates and MPhil students who wish to take part in the intellectual life of the Institute within one of its research units.
  • Summer Research Scholarships: The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities' Summer Scholarship programme offers students who have completed three years of study in Arts, and who plan to do honours or a research higher degree, the opportunity to work under the supervision of a member or affiliate of the Institute.
  • Visiting Scholars Programme: The Visiting Scholars Programme aims to encourage exceptional scholars working in areas relevant to our research strengths to spend a period of time—from one or two weeks to several months—conducting research and collaborating with scholars within the Institute. IASH aims to select a mixture of early, mid, and senior career scholars.
  • Writing Scholarships: Writing scholarships have been offered to doctoral research students to support the development of publication proposals and journal articles.

University of Queensland Library Fellowships

The University of St Andrews Visiting Scholarship Scheme
[Information for 2020] The scheme is open to all interested researchers, external to the University of St Andrews, affiliated to another university or independent, who would like to use the University Library’s Special Collections to research a topic. Up to £1,500 is provided to successful applicants to cover travel and accommodation, but not subsistence, during the scholarship. The scholarship lasts between two and eight weeks between 1 July and 31 August 2020.

University of Southern California: Society of Fellows in the Humanities
The USC Society of Fellows in the Humanities supports advanced research by postdoctoral fellows and faculty members by promoting intellectual exchange and interdisciplinary approaches to research and teaching in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Each year the Society admits up to five postdoctoral fellows, who are appointed for two-year terms during which they pursue research and teach three courses over four semesters, with one semester for full-time research. They are expected to reside in the Los Angeles area during the academic year and to participate in the scholarly life of the Society, the host department, and the university.

University of Southern California Center for the Premodern World: Postdoctoral Fellowship
The USC Center for the Premodern World invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship. The appointment will begin in the fall of 2020. Applicants will hold a degree in one of the Center’s areas of strength: Classics, History, Religion, Art History, or East Asian Languages and Culture. The salary for the postdoctoral fellow is $65,000 per year plus fringe benefits, with an additional research and travel account of $2000.

University of Sydney - NEAF - Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation
Note: website often lacks updates; closing date generally November each year - see also
The Catherine Southwell-Keely Travel Grant, A$3,500. Aim: to assist an eligible candidate requiring extensive travel, to pursue research in the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia.
The Leone Crawford Travel Grant, A$5,000. Aim:: to assist applicants to pursue research in the geographical areas in which the Foundation from time to time conducts research.
The Sam Eames Grant-in-Aid, A$1,500 (maximum). Aim: to assist an eligible candidate to pursue research in the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia.
NEAF Grants in Aid, up to $5000. Aim: Grants-in-aid are to assist eligible candidates to pursue research in the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia.

University of Sydney - SSSHARC Visiting Fellows program
These SSSHARC visiting fellowships are for outstanding international or Australian-based humanities researchers who wish to collaborate with researchers from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney.

University of Sydney - Postgraduate Travel Bursary in Classics and Ancient History
This travel bursary [$1980 in 2023] supports a [University of Sydney] Masters by Research or PhD student conducting research in classics and ancient history.

University of Sydney - William Ritchie Research Scholarship in Classics
This scholarship ($12500 in 2023) provides financial assistance to [University of Sydney] Masters by Research and PhD students, recent PhD recipients, post-doctoral researchers and academics planning to travel to the University of Cambridge to undertake research in the Classics.

The University of Texas at Austin - Institute for Historical Studies
Fellowships are available for all ranks. They are not restricted to historians, but projects must have significant historical content.

University of Warwick - Institute of Advanced Study
International Visiting Fellows: Visiting Fellows must be nominated by a Warwick academic. Visits usually last between 10 days and 10 weeks.

University of Western Australia - Institute of Advanced Studies
Institute of Advanced Studies Visiting Fellowships
The Visiting Fellowships are intended to support visits by individual scholars who will enhance research collaborations and research outcomes at this University. The Fellowships are designed to encourage and support research across the full spectrum of disciplines. Visiting scholars are expected to contribute to the University’s research strategy through activities that might include, for example, collaborative research projects, development of grant proposals, workshops, masterclasses or symposia, development of emerging research interests, or, the creation of new intellectual linkages. The Institute of Advanced Studies brings leading-edge research to the public through its high-profile lecture series. Visiting scholars are expected to contribute to the Institute’s public engagement activities with the delivery of a public lecture. It is also expected that, wherever possible, visiting scholars will provide a masterclass, workshop or symposium with postgraduate and early career researchers. Grants of up to AUD $1500 for Australian-based scholars, and AUD $3000 for international scholars are available for Visiting Fellows. These funds are to support travel and accommodation expenses of the Visiting Fellow.

University of Western Australia - International Postgraduate Research Scholarships
Applications are invited from suitably qualified international students to apply for a UWA International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to undertake the degree of Master by Research or Doctorate by Research at The University of Western Australia.

Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library - Research Fellowship Program (Delaware, USA)
Academic, independent, and museum scholars as well as advanced graduate students are invited to apply for short-term (1-3 months) and long-term (4-9 month) residential research fellowships that can be used any time throughout 2019-2020. Fellows conduct research in a broad range of scholarly topics and academic disciplines, including: material culture studies, social and cultural history, art history, literary studies, American studies, design history, the decorative arts, landscape architecture and design, consumer culture, and conservation studies covering global topics from the 17th to the 20th centuries. We also support fellowships designed for artists, writers, filmmakers, horticulturalists, craftspeople, and others who wish to examine, study, and immerse themselves in Winterthur’s vast collections in order to inspire creative and artistic works for general, non-academic audiences.

Wolfgang Fritz Volbach-Fellowship (Germany)
The aim of the Wolfgang Fritz Volbach-fellowship is to link the research location Mainz/Frankfurt more closely with international experts in the field of Byzantine Studies. It allows scholars working on a subject related to the Leibniz ScienceCampus - Byzantium between Orient and Occident - Mainz/Frankfurt a four-week research stay in Mainz or in Frankfurt. They will be able to use libraries and scholarly infrastructures there and can participate in the lively interdisciplinary professional debates at both universities. Each year, the Executive Board awards one fellowship per semester (winter and summer) to scholars at an early career stage.

Yale University - Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities
For 2020-2021 see

(1) Eligible to work/study in the U.S.A.? See the SCS Blog: Funding Opportunities for Students and Teachers of Classics, Ancient History, Art History, and Archaeology.
(2) Please send additions/changes to this list - use the comments box below, email (res.australes [AT], or DM @res_australes.

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